10 God-Awful Scenes In Otherwise Perfect Horror Movies

1. Insidious: Into The Further

10 Cloverfield Lane Ending
Sony Pictures Releasing

In regards to the 2010s, a decade that saw the horror genre experience a delightful revival, one of the very first truly great horror films of that decade was Insidious.

While very familiar on the surface, Insidious stood out from most of the other supernatural horror films being made at the time because it was really, really bloody scary, thanks to a smart script, a gifted ensemble cast and James Wan's phenomenal directing.

Most of the film is a spectacular scare-fest but it did get quite a bit of criticism for its final act and that's completely warranted. The third act sees Josh (Patrick Wilson) go into the Further, an astral dimension filled with ghosts, in order to rescue his son Dalton (Ty Simpkins), who's lost in there.

This part of the film is unsatisfying to put it mildly. It's dull, visually uninteresting and so, so much less frightening than the rest of the film. Perhaps worst of all, main antagonist the Red-Faced Demon had been a very frightening presence in his brief appearances throughout the rest of the film but when Josh meets him in the Further, he's suddenly more like a really, really bad Darth Maul cosplay.

The film does get its mojo back with a strong epilogue scene, but this whole sequence still an epitomising example of a terrible scene lurking within an otherwise great horror movie.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.