10 God-Awful Scenes In Otherwise Perfect Horror Movies

9. 10 Cloverfield Lane: The Ending

10 Cloverfield Lane Ending
Paramount Pictures

10 Cloverfield Lane, the spin-off to 2008's Cloverfield, is a very different beast from its predecessor. That was a big monster movie, this one is a claustrophobic chamber-piece involving two young people (Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr) trapped in a bunker with an unstable stranger (John Goodman), but it works really well and is a total winner in its own right.

The bulk of the film is set in the bunker and thanks to the excellent acting - especially from John Goodman, who deserved an Oscar nomination for his work but inevitably didn't get one - and strong writing, this part of the film succeeds with flying colours. Unfortunately, the very end of the film, in which protagonist Michelle escapes from the bunker and fights an alien, is weaker and feels like it came from a different movie altogether.

It was right to include the aliens from Cloverfield somehow, but it should've happened a bit earlier and the inclusion of this plot point didn't feel organic, while Michaelle destroying this terrifying alien with a Molotov Cocktail of all things was a bit on the silly side.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.