10 Good Films Utterly Ruined By Their Awful Final Act

2. Kick-Ass 2

kick-ass-2 Ok, so it€™s only been out a couple of days, so if you don€™t want to see any spoilers, just click €˜next€™ at the bottom there. Is everyone gone? Ok, cool. If you have seen it, surely you€™ve got to agree with me about the ending? Literally nothing is solved €“ Kick Ass was seemingly still donning the costume at the end, Hit Girl became a nomad, her guardian€™s totally going to prison and to top it off, the real villain of the piece €“ Iain Glen, playing the Motherf**ker€™s crimeboss uncle, is still running a crime family from prison with very little comeuppance. In fact, now McLovin€™s dead, all that money he was sitting on is probably going to him too. So basically, if anyone €˜won€™ in that film, it was him. Really, I don€™t mind that €“ you always need to set up a sequel in franchises, and foreshadowing the next big bad villain is hardly a bad thing. But for me, I think there wasn€™t enough development all round €“ Hit Girl€™s adventures in high school came to an end when she made those Mean Girl clones evacuate all their bodily fluids, Dave€™s ignored his dead father€™s advice, he€™s still friends with a bloke who was responsible for his dad€™s death and the superheroes of Justice Forever hung up their capes with the awful logic of €˜we can all be heroes in real-life.€™ It was all just a bit undercooked really, and that€™s a shame.

Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.