10 Good Horror Movies With Surprisingly Low Rotten Tomatoes Scores

1. In The Mouth Of Madness - RT Score: 58%

deep rising
New Line Cinema

John Carpenter's In The Mouth of Madness might just be the movie most deserving of an apology from critics. It is, without hyperbole, a maddening masterpiece worthy of nothing but the utmost respect.

An insurance investigator is tasked with tracking down a famous horror novelist who has gone missing. As he digs deeper into his investigation, he begins to suspect nothing, possibly even himself, is as it seems.

The man, the myth, the legend John Carpenter is responsible for some of the best genre films of the late twentieth century. Halloween, Escape From New York, The Thing, Big Trouble in Little China, They Live, all of these are certified genre classics, and In The Mouth of Madness is no exception.

It doesn't even clock in at the bare minimum for a fresh rating, which is complete horse poop. Everything about this movie, from the mind-twisting narrative and metacommentary on not just horror, but all of fiction to the incredible score that rivals the director's best and the jaw-dropping monster and set design is absolutely perfect.

In The Mouth of Madness is one of those few rare movies that never, for even one moment, slips up. No other film comes to mind, whether it be in the horror genre or not, that comes even close to its unique brand of brilliant insanity.

58%? Get out of here with that.

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Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.