10 Good Horror Movies With Surprisingly Low Rotten Tomatoes Scores

9. Urban Legend - RT Score: 24%

deep rising
TriStar Pictures

Out of all the horror flicks made to milk the success of Scream, Urban Legend stands above them all as maligned, misunderstood fun time at the movies.

A young woman must unravel the mystery of a series of gruesome deaths modelled after urban legends before she herself meets a bloody end.

Jared Leto once claimed that he never starred in this 90s slasher, which is ironic considering many wish he had never starred in Suicide Squad. All jokes aside, Urban Legend rocks - with two things in particular that stand out.

The first of these is its aesthetic, primarily the setting of the college. It looks like a gothic Hogwarts, as if it came from a completely different time and place. You can imagine yourself there, inhaling the dust of old books and relaxing on its fat, leathery chairs. It'd be the perfect university... if it weren't for all the murder.

The second on the other hand has all to do with the performance of ex-Lex Luthor actor Michael Rosenbaum. His character lacks any sort of charisma or basic human decency, but Rosenbaum makes it work. His performance is absurdly antagonistic and bombastic, but he sells it big time.

Is it a great movie? No. But, is it a good time? Oh yeah.

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Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.