10 Goriest Moments In The Evil Dead Franchise

1. Ash Vs Ash€™s Hand

2 -CORRECT SIZE - Evil Dead 2 Shortly after graphically murdering his possessed girlfriend (Poor Ash can never catch a break) he too is possessed, or rather his hand is. This provokes a rather comical fight where Ash smashes dishes upside his head against his own will, but these darkly humorous shenanigans quickly transition into not only one of the most graphic scenes, but one of the most important scenes in the entire franchise. This is Ash€™s transcendence from stereotypical, vulnerable horror protagonist into a hero with character and identification you can get behind and root for. http://youtu.be/7EWY7OYUcB0 Yes, this is where Ash pins his infected hand to the floor with a kitchen knife, starts up the trademark chainsaw, and hacks it off gruesomely with buckets of blood spraying into his face as he maniacally laughs in shock and pain. Did I miss any graphic moments? Did you enjoy this list? Comment below!

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.