10 Great 21st Century Sci-Fi Films That Bombed At The Box Office

8. Moon

Children Of Men
Sony Pictures Classics

It seems fitting that the son of David Bowie, Duncan Jones, headed straight to the stars in his directorial debut or more specifically to the Moon.

The film provided a welcome platform for Sam Rockwell to display his range in essentially a one man film as he reaches the end of his solo mission - and the end of his sanity - on the inhospitable satellite.

Whether the film failed to live up to the space epic some thought it would be or audiences were wary of the then relatively unknown Rockwell and Jones they chose to stay at home instead of going to cinemas.

BUDGET: $5 million

BOX OFFICE: $9.8 million


An avid cinephile, love Trainspotting (the film, not the hobby), like watching bad films ironically (The Room, Cats) and hate my over-reliance on brackets (they’re handy for a quick aside though).