10 Great Blockbusters Held Back By A Terrible Lead Performance

8. Garrett Hedlund - Tron: Legacy

Star Wars Anakin Skywalker Hayden Christensen

Tron: Legacy is full of stunning visuals, detailed and ambitious world-building, a thumping Daft Punk soundtrack and some jaw-dropping production design, but arguably the only thing more artificial than the world itself is Garrett Hedlund's attempts to convince us that he's well-suited to play the leading man in a $170m blockbuster.

The role of an audience surrogate is to guide us through an unfamiliar world, and it becomes a whole lot easier when we see things unfold through the eyes of a character that we're invested in. Unfortunately, Hedlund is not that man, and he ends up being comfortably outshined by an ensemble of co-stars that are deliberately avoiding all attempts to portray themselves as human beings.

Somehow, Hedlund's Sam Flynn turns out to be less emotive than the terrifying de-aging CGI that was uncomfortably plastered onto Jeff Bridges' face, although he ironically ends up delivering a performance as sterilized and cold as the world of Tron itself.


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