10 Great British Horror Films Of The Last Decade

9. Nina Forever

Prevenge Mask
Jeva Films

Horrors are good for many things, namely for scaring people, but they are also a great opportunity to explore social themes, and understanding the emotions we encounter in everyday life. This is where British indie horror Nina Forever excels, exploring grief, love, and loss with a fascinating premise.

Rob is a man teetering on suicide following the death of his girlfriend Nina, but his fellow work colleague Holly has a fascination with trying to save him from his depression.

The couple eventually hook up, but much to the surprise and chagrin of the newly formed couple, Nina comes back to life anytime they have sex. As a result there are a lot of bloody mattresses, a fair share of nudity, and some eye opening scenes.

It’s a real shame the brotherly directing duo of Ben and Chris Blaine haven’t had the chance to do another film yet, because they’re clearly talents to watch.

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Horror Films
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Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.