10 Great British Sci-Fi Movies You've Probably Never Seen

4. Frequencies

Lifeforce 1985

Romantic films can often feel very paint-by-numbers, as the typical boy meets girl structure has been replicated time and time again with very little variation. This is what makes Frequencies so intriguing, as it uses a compelling scientific gimmick to add a reasonable basis to the idea of lovers who are destined to be apart, but fall for each other anyway.

Frequencies occurs in a world where a person is assigned a status based upon what frequency they emit. Your life and luck are dictated by whether you emit a high or low frequency. However, the film's lead tries to go against this by raising his frequency to be with a high-status girl whom he cares about deeply. The pair share a mutual interest, proving that sometimes, opposites do attract, and try to figure out together, how they can be as one.

The concept of quantifying luck with science is unique and delves into a fascinating idea of how far our knowledge can go. It asks so many questions about how labelling someone can influence their behavioural patterns and push them down a direction they might have otherwise avoided, making it a profound and emotional film.

Additionally, the film's core relationship is beautiful, as the pair balances each other out and indeed seem right for each other, despite the protestations of their world.

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!