10 Great Comic Book Movies That Capture The Genre Perfectly

7. American Splendor

american splendor American Splendor is one of those films that is so unique and original that it makes the viewer wonder of they'll ever see anything quite like it ever again. In this way it reminds me of one of Charlie Kaufman's masterpieces but it is most definitely a product of its own imagination and not a Kaufman ripoff. The way that the narrative mixes comedy, drama and auto-biographical details is the perfect way to tell the story but also helps make the execution of the movie completely enthralling. The plot concerns a simultaneously fictional and factual portrayal of the creator of the original American Splendor series of comics, Harvey Pekar, and his wife Joyce Brabner. Where it becomes really creative is in the way that it breaks the fourth wall. The film features scenes of the real people behind the characters commenting on the actions of their fictional counterparts to great comedic and dramatic effect. The fact that the original creators of the comic were also the ones adapting it made sure that it was always going to stay true to its source material and also gave the story a sense that someone deeply cares about it.

My favorite movies are Before Sunrise, Pulp Fiction, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alien and Her so don't be surprised to see those pop up in my writing from time to time. I'm currently in school for Journalism/English and I have an obsession with all things cinematic on the side.