4. Spider-Man 2

Sam Raimi broke onto the scene with his masterpiece The Evil Dead, which employed shaky cam to brilliant effect. 20 years later he brought the same style to the Spider-Man franchise that helped make his name in the first place. His take on the all too familiar web slinger still remains the greatest that has been committed to the screen thanks to the sense of fun that he brings to the picture, but also the amazing directorial vision he gave Spider-Man and the menace he allowed his villains to exude. This film is one case where the sequel certainly topped the original by exploring the motives that Peter Parker harbors about continuing to don the Spider-Man costume and exploring the depth of the source material more. Raimi's version of the traditional Spider-Man story is chocked full of macabre humour, but also extremely exciting moments that upped the ante for filmmakers everywhere and scenes of genuine drama that few people realized could be executed so well in a superhero movie.