10 Great Eco-Horror Films You Need To See
2. Willard (1971)

This is one of the best psychological rat horror films you’ve probably never heard of. Willard Stiles is a geeky loner who has a mysterious ability to communicate with rats. He develops a genuine friendship with the creatures (naming the ones he is closest to), eventually builds a small army of them, and uses the rats to kill those who have done him wrong. Although rats are usually associated with filth and disease, Willard seems to emphasise with them in this film, seeing a reflection of his own character in them.
When Willard has no need of the rats anymore, he spikes their food with pesticide. Realising what Willard is trying to do, the rats attack him, and the film ends with Willard screaming hysterically ‘I was good to you!’.
This is eco-horror at its best. Although he does have genuine affection for the rodents, Willard still uses them for his own gain and as soon as he has no need of them the first thing, he does is try to murder them. The rats are justified in their attack because although Willard ‘was good’ to them, he is the real monster in this film. Eco-horror does a fantastic job of reflecting mankind’s selfish nature back to us and the consequences it can have.