10 Great Films Banned By The Catholic Church

9. Last Tango In Paris (1972)

"Adds up to very little and the sex scenes, while not pornographic are needlessly extended and explicit." 'Last Tango in Paris is one of the great emotional experiences of our time' said Roger Ebert in his highly affirmative review of Last Tango upon it's release. And that's what it truly is; a great emotional experience. So? What is the greatest demonstration of emotion capable by any human being? A sacrifice of one's body in the most intimate way possible? SEX! Exactly! For the Church to characterise the sex scenes as "needlessly extended and explicit" seems to show little appreciation or understanding of the film's artistic merit. Yes, it goes a little over the top at times, but the scenes are necessary and a showcase of the acting talents of Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider, as well as the directorial brilliance of Bernardo Bertolucci.

Student from Sydney, Australia. Fascinated with the films of Jean Cocteau, Darren Aronofsky, Federico Fellini, and Martin Scorsese. Also an avid watcher of The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, and Dexter (no spoilers please). Moreover, loves to play sport and challenge the laws of the English language.