10 Great Films Banned By The Catholic Church

8. From Russia With Love (1963)

"Espionage thriller marred by some scenes of sadistic violence, casual sexual encounter and suggestive dialogue" James Bond is one of the most visceral and thrilling characters of all time. His wit, suave, and heroism is universally popular and popular worldwide. It is confusing, to say the least, that the Catholic reviewers would ban only one film and not the whole series. The 'sadistic violence' spoken of in the review is clearly nothing compared to modern day action films so one could possibly believe that the Church's objection is in reference to Bond's promiscuity? Then why didn't they state it outright? Speculation is really going to lead nowhere and the best assumption is probably that some aspect of the film conflicted with Catholic affairs at the time and that led to it's condemnation. Needless to say the Bond series is wall-to-wall fun and absolutely thrilling. I doubt the Legion of Decency gained any supporters with this review and definitely did not hinder the Bond franchise with it's worldwide success continuing to this day.

Student from Sydney, Australia. Fascinated with the films of Jean Cocteau, Darren Aronofsky, Federico Fellini, and Martin Scorsese. Also an avid watcher of The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, and Dexter (no spoilers please). Moreover, loves to play sport and challenge the laws of the English language.