10 Great Films Banned By The Catholic Church

7. Blow-Up (1966)

"His cold and impersonal film, however, is unconvincing in its pessimistic vision of modern life. Nudity in a sexual context" Blow Up is possibly the greatest example of 'show don't tell' cinema. Every shot is used to it's fullest, not a single frame wasted. By now you will have noticed that all these criticism's by the Legion of Decency follow the same formula; use clever adjectives to critically degrade the film and then state the reason for the film's disapproval. That way, someone who hasn't seen the film will turn a blind eye and simply accept the judgement, as is the case for Blow-Up; a little known gem. Having seen the film I can tell you it is really quite beautiful and exquisite. "Cold and impersonal" - so what? The film's mood and feeling can be interpreted in many ways, depending on how the viewer responds to its content. Blow-up shows you the lives of it's characters simply as they are. Any interpretation is purely dependent on what you draw from their experiences - total genius on Antonioni's part.

Student from Sydney, Australia. Fascinated with the films of Jean Cocteau, Darren Aronofsky, Federico Fellini, and Martin Scorsese. Also an avid watcher of The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, and Dexter (no spoilers please). Moreover, loves to play sport and challenge the laws of the English language.