10 Great Films That Never Got An Oscar Nomination

1. City Lights (1931)

chaplin_citylights21 Charlie Chaplin was one of the first great movie stars, and also one of the greatest auteurs as well. City Lights, which can be easily debated as his greatest film, was written, produced, composed, edited, directed and course, starred Chaplin. City Lights, another silent film from Chaplin, was released in 1931, which at the time saw the boom of the "talkie" motion picture at its height. Chaplin decided to tell his story with the visuals, and it was released to rave reviews and widespread audience acclaim amongst a barrage of talkies. In 1931, City Lights, with all of Chaplin's contributions was not nominated for any Oscars. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences was only in its 5th year of existence when City Lights was released, yet it somehow managed to surpass the ballots despite its success. Many can argue that Chaplin was a difficult person to work with, and a Brit with more money than anyone else in Hollywood was not very liked amongst the American industry. But politics aside, City Lights is now considered a classic, and even though not a word is uttered, it is still one of the funniest and ultimately touching films ever made. The Academy could have done the right thing and honored Chaplin for his effortless work, and he could have been the first and only 6 time nominee for one film, had the Academy realized his work deserved the recognition. Sadly, they felt he did not and Chaplin and City Lights were shut out. Are there any other great films that never received a single Oscar nomination you think we missed? Let us know what you think in the comment section below.
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Kyle Hytonen is a film school grad, an independent film-maker, photographer and sleeper-inner.