10 Great Films That Take Place In A Single Location

7. The Man From Earth

Al Pacino Dog Day Afternoon
Anchor Bay Entertainment

The Man from Earth really does feel like a play more than a movie, and in fact it was later adapted onto the stage. It's just a bunch of characters sitting around talking, but their conversation is so compelling that you're totally on board with it.

The setup for the film is that a bunch of scholars gather together to say goodbye to a retiring professor, but they're shocked when he reveals to them that he's actually an immortal being who has lived for 14 millennia.

It sounds completely insane, but the movie turns into a really interesting examination of belief, as all these people go back and forth thinking he's just out of his mind to thinking he might be telling the truth. Each of them is distinct and interesting, representing different points of view and belief systems in a truly compelling way. 

This is a really thoughtful movie for when you want some Sci-Fi to stimulate your brain as opposed to one that asks you to turn it off.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.