10 Great 'Hang Out" Movies

5. The Quiet Man

Another John Ford/John Wayne collaboration, 1952'sThe Quiet Man is one of Ford's most personal films. It was set and shot on location in Ireland, where Ford had his roots. It was a rarity in those days to actually shoot on location. Actually filming in Ireland, and in glorious technicolor to boot, adds an air of authenticity to this story about a Irish born American prizefighter, Sean Thornton (Wayne), who travels back to Ireland, after accidentally killing an opponent in the ring, to reclaim his family's farm. This doesn't go over well with Will Danaher (Victor McLaghlen), who Sean outbid for the land that was next to Danaher's property. Making things more complicated is Sean falling in love with Danaher's sister, the fiery red head Mary Kate (Maureen O'Hara). Due to Irish tradition, Mary Kate can't get married without her brother's permission. Father Lonergan (Ward Bond) tricks Danaher in to believing a rich widow will marry him if Mary Kate leaves the house. This allows Mary Kate to marry Sean but when Danaher discovers he's been tricked, he refuses to pay Mary Kate's dowry. This leads to tension in Sean and Mary Kate's marriage. Sean doesn't care about the dowry but Mary Kate thinks Sean is a coward if he doesn't face her brother and win her dowry. The Quiet Man, like many of Ford's greatest films, is a wonderful ensemble picture, with actors like Bond and McLaglen, whom Ford directed to a Best Actor win for 1935's The Informer, giving lived in performances that make their characters feel authentic. While the plot description sounds really dramatic, there's a lot of joy and humour to be found in this film, especially since it is about two men getting over their differences and everyone living happily ever after. Wayne gives one of his best performances and the romance between him and O'Hara is refreshingly complex as the film progresses. I've only recently discovered this film and I absolutely love it.
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I'm Canadian! I'm a recent graduate of the Journalism Program at the University of King's College in Halifax. I'm an aspiring actor and film critic, and lover of all things film and Shakespeare. My favourite movie is "Casablanca" and my favourite play of Shakespeare is "Othello."