10 Great Horror Movies Ruined By One Character

8. David - Shaun Of The Dead

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Yes, this entry is only here so we could do a Dawn of the Dead to Shaun of the Dead transition. You're welcome.

Edgar Wright's seminal horror comedy follows the titular hero, his best friend Ed, and various other characters as they attempt to survive an outbreak of zombies in London.

Shaun's first mission is to take Ed to rescue his ex-girlfriend Liz and, by proxy, her flatmates Dianne and David. The latter (played by Dylan Moran) is utterly insufferable.

He's an obnoxious snob, the kind who'd tell you they only watch foreign language films to make them sound better than you. He was horrible to Shaun before the apocalypse started and just gets worse when the zombies turn up. Honestly, David, now is not the time!

He doesn't even get the chance to apologise to Shaun, because the idiot gets himself eaten right as he's about to say sorry.

David is the biggest source of internal conflict within the group, which is what every survival movie needs, but he goes too far too often. He is thoroughly unlikeable and is a massive distraction for the rest of the group and the audience.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.