10 Great Horror Movies Where The World Literally Ends

5. The Beyond

Significant Other
Medusa Distribuzione

Lucio Fulci's 1981 horror classic The Beyond follows a woman, Liza Merril (Catriona MacColl), who is refurbishing a New Orleans hotel she inherited which, as it turns out, happens to contain one of the world's seven gates to Hell.

When a plumber accidentally opens said gate, all hell progressively and literally break loose, with numerous employees dying mysteriously, including Liza's architect getting eaten alive by a pack of tarantulas(!), of course.

Even accepting that Fulci clearly doesn't have much interest in telling an easily understood, logically concrete story, the ending makes it clear that the world is basically doomed. Despite their attempts to flee, Liza and local doctor John McCabe (David Warbeck) end up trapped and blinded in a barren wasteland that might or might not be Hell itself. 

And in case this isn't existentially terrifying enough, they're also surrounded by corpses.

Though there's plenty ambiguous about the chilling ending, the gate to Hell is evidently wide open and is going to have its way with a human race that is utterly incapable of closing it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.