10 Great Horror Movies With Multiple Plot Twists

4. The Sixth Sense

Us movie
Buena Vista Pictures

If you say "plot twist" into a mirror three times, M. Night Shyamalan will appear behind you, bludgeon you to death with one of his multiple Golden Raspberry Awards and inform you that you've actually been dead the entire time.

In all seriousness, any list concerning cinematic twists would be incomplete without a contribution from the man who has made narrative curveballs an intrinsic part of his unique directive style. While many of his films have been critically lambasted - with 2008's The Happening standing as a particularly woeful offering - 1999's The Sixth Sense is acclaimed as one of the greatest films of all time.

A brilliantly nuanced and chilling picture carried by striking performances from a stellar cast, The Sixth Sense is a thriller at heart, making the manner in which Shymalan's picture effortlessly blurs the boundary between the aforementioned genre and that of horror all the more impressive. It doesn't hurt that his movie also happens to be loaded with seismic level revelations from the very first sequence.

The epiphany that young lead Cole really can see "dead people" is just the beginning as the ghosts jarringly take on a benevolent role in proceedings. Loaded with clues that become mini-twists on second viewing, The Sixth Sense's iconic ending - revealing that Bruce Willis' protagonist Malcolm Crowe actually died at in a confrontation at the beginning of the film and has been a ghost all along - is frequently lauded as one of the most memorable bombshells in cinematic history.

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Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.