10 Great Horror Movies With Multiple Plot Twists

3. Black Swan

Us movie
20th Century Fox

It speaks volumes to the gripping nature of Black Swan's twists and turns that it is difficult to establish which of them are actually based in reality - such is the mind bending nature of the journey that Darren Aronofsky takes his viewers on across 108 devastating minutes.

One of the visionary director's most celebrated works to this day, the film received a whopping five Oscar nominations after the rave reviews flooded in. With Natalie Portman winning Best Actress for her majestic lead turn as Nina Sayers. Black Swan is frequently lauded as one of the finest outings of the century, let alone for the horror genre.

The hallucinogenic, inconsistent depiction of proceedings never lets up throughout the film. Viewers are left almost subconsciously mirroring Sayers' mental unravelling - a testament to the director's uniquely distortive style. While littered with unexpected moments that leave the audience questioning the veracity of the events unfolding, Nina's apparent murder of Mila Kunis' Lily is Black Swan's pièce de résistance. An indescribably shocking twist in itself, the subsequent reveal that she has actually stabbed herself leaves audience's jaws on the floor.

The viewer is ultimately left unsure as to whether Nina's magnificent final performance came at the cost of her own life. Portman's turn in this sequence is Oscar worthy in itself, an otherworldly capstone on a truly exemplary piece of cinema. Black Swan's final melancholic twist is that it offers no closure to the many torturous questions it poses.

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Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.