10 Great Horror Movies You Can't Stream Anywhere

1. Martin (1977)

Dream Home
Libra Films

When one thinks of legendary filmmaker George A. Romero, the first thing that likely comes to mind is zombies.

As such, many fright fans may not even be familiar with one of his lesser-known outings, let alone the fact that it currently isn't available for streaming. 1977's Martin represents a departure from Romero's traditional supernatural antagonists, although he doesn't stray far from the world of the undead.

Described by the director as his personal favourite film, the John Amplas-led effort follows a young man who believes that he is actually a vampire, wreaking havoc on those who cross his path. The critics couldn't get enough, not only lauding Martin as a spectacular horror movie in the traditional sense but as an unexpectedly moving and thought-provoking number.

There's clearly something about Romero's films when it comes to this subcategory of horror movies. 1978's Dawn of the Dead - arguably the Godfather of the Dead's most iconic effort - was famously unavailable to stream for years. This was due to a complicated history concerning distribution rights, although the picture is now streaming on Amazon Prime.

It's also worth noting that in 2021, a 16 mm black-and-white print of the director's cut of Martin - previously believed to have been lost - was unearthed by The Living Dead Museum. With the restoration hitting Blu-ray as of February of this year, all hope may not yet be lost!

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Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.