10 Great Horror Movies You Can't Stream Anywhere

8. Lovers Lane (1999)

Dream Home
First Look Studios

Also known as I'm Still Waiting For You, 1999's Lovers Lane is a gory love letter to the heyday of the slasher film.

Lovers Lane's primary antagonist is based on the prevalent urban legend of "the Hook" - a faceless killer with a Captain Hook-esque implement for a hand. Jon Steven Ward's direct-to-video offering follows the usual group of imbecilic teenagers who are terrorised by an escaped mental patient haunting the titular location in search of fresh blood.

Featuring a young Anna Faris in her feature film debut, Lovers Lane exhibits just about every trope that one could possibly associate with a slasher. Nevertheless, this blood-soaked cheese-fest remains an enjoyable watch throughout - provided that you let go of basically every expectation that a fright fan would typically associate with watching a horror movie.

Just let the clichéd madness wash over you.

Despite the recent release of a special edition Blu-ray version of the film, Lovers Lane doesn't currently appear on any streaming services as of 2023. It's enough to make one don a hook hand and start terrorising teenagers in parked cars.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.