10 Great Moments From Not So Great Movies

2. Duel Of The Fates (The Phantom Menace)

After 16 years, the Star Wars saga returned to cinemas with a bang. It smashed box office records on its way to becoming the biggest movie of the year, and second highest-grossing movie of all time. Yet, after the dust had settled people began to realize that it wasn't very good. In typical George Lucas style, the visuals were great but the rest was greatly lacking. The writing was flat, the performances all over the place (not helped by the stilted dialogue) and the characters poorly realized. Jake Lloyd's little brat Anakin severely dented Darth Vader's reputation (and this was before Hayden Christensen) and Jar Jar Binks became nothing short of a pariah. The one saving grace was the climatic duel between Obi Wan Kenobi, Qui Gon Jinn and the badass Darth Maul. The reveal of Darth Maul's double-edged lightsaber was a great moment, and its a shame he was only in this movie because he was the prequels' best villain in my opinion. At least he got a memorable death. What followed was five minutes of fanboy heaven, and one of the greatest action scenes in the entire Star Wars saga. Although the quality of the prequels improved, this frenetic duel was never bettered.


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