10 Great Movie Characters Ruined By Awful CGI

1. Voldemort - Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone

Voldemort Quirrell
Warner Bros.

Perhaps it was too much to expect a face growing on the back of another man's head to look in any way not ridiculous? Perhaps not.

Whether it was too much to ask, pretty much anything would have been better than the half-cooked, sorry excuse for a face crudely attached to the back of Ian Hart's head fashioned out of what looks like playdough.

The render is bad enough, but for some reason he has a full nose, normal eyes and pretty much none of the features either described in the books or later used as the reference points for Ralph Fiennes' Voldemort design that debuted in The Goblet Of Fire. If Warner Bros could go back and do it differently, you can probably bet they'd snap your hand off for the chance.

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