10 Great Movie Characters Who Die At The Beginning

6. Juan - Moonlight

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Despite having only 20 minutes of screen time, Mahershala Ali won his first Oscar for Barry Jenkins' 2016 film Moonlight. Watching the film, it's easy to see that awarding his portrayal of Juan is one of the best decisions the Academy has made in recent years.

Juan exclusively appears in the first of the film's three segments, titled "Little." Juan, a drug dealer, takes "Little," a young boy named Chiron, under his wing. Juan introduces Little to his girlfriend Teresa, and the two genuinely care for him.

Juan also helps Little swim, and teaches him that there is nothing wrong with being gay. When Little asks Juan if he is a drug dealer, Juan says yes, hanging his head in shame.

Instantly after that, part one of the film ends and it cuts to part two, titled Chiron. Juan is nowhere to be seen in part two, and before long, it becomes apparent that he has died. This loss hits hard, and is especially jarring given the quick transition between the two segments and Ali's powerful performance.

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Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.