10 Great Movie Characters Who Die At The Beginning

5. Uncle Ben - Spider-Man

heather chandler heathers

Spider-Man's signature catchphrase, "with great power comes great responsibility," is almost as famous as the wall crawler himself. That simple yet powerful sentence has guided Peter Parker throughout his time behind the Spider-Man mask. Uncle Ben is the man who first taught him that lesson.

Uncle Ben first appeared in the 1962 comic book Amazing Fantasy #15, dying in order to motivate his super powered nephew. Ben then made his way to many of the Spider-Man film adaptations.

Played by Cliff Robertson in the Sam Raimi Spider-Man films and Martin Sheen in the Marc Webb films, Uncle Ben's early death always hits hard. Peter's Uncle is shown as an abundantly kind man, and Peter's failure to save him is a heartbreaking lesson in taking responsibility.

Uncle Ben's death is a reminder for Peter to always do all he can, and his impact throughout all forms of Spider-Man media proves that he is an incredible character in his own right.

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Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.