10 Great Movie Characters Who Die At The Beginning

4. Vizzini - The Princess Bride

heather chandler heathers
20th CenturyStudios

For a character who dies so early into his film, Vizzini from The Princess Bride says more than his fair share of hilarious one-liners.

Played by Wallace Shawn, Vizzini is hired to kidnap Princess Buttercup and murder her in order to start a war. After a mysterious man in black defeats his two hired goons, Inigo Montoya and Fezzik, the man confronts Vizzini himself. The two engage in a battle of wits, at which Vizzini claims to excel, for Buttercup's life.

Vizzini hilariously overthinks the simple question the man in black asks him, which cup has the poison. Vizzini causes the man to look away, then switches the cups. When he and the man in black drink, Vizzini laughs hysterically, thinking he has outsmarted the man, only to instantly die once it's revealed that both cups were poisoned, and the man in black was immune.

Wallace Shawn's portrayal of Vizzini, the foolish mastermind, is unbelievable. Shawn convinces audiences that Vizzini is arrogant enough to think he is the smartest man in the world. Plus, his plethora of catchphrases are always a delight to hear.

The fact that Vizzini only places fourth on this list is inconceivable!

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Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.