10 Great Movie Performances (No One Ever Talks About)

1. Ryan Reynolds - Buried

Val Kilmer Tombstone

Ryan Reynolds has certainly enjoyed a major career turnaround over the last five years with the phenomenal success of the Deadpool movies, and though it's absolutely fair to call Deadpool his signature performance, it still isn't quite his best.

The finest work of Reynolds' career came in 2010 in the gut-wrenching thriller Buried, playing American contractor Paul Conroy, who while working in Iraq is kidnapped and buried alive in a wooden coffin.

Expertly directed by Rodrigo Cortés for maximum claustrophobic suspense, Buried is an almost entirely one-man show for Reynolds, being the only actor we physically see on-screen for the movie's entirety, while speaking to a small cast of supporting characters on the phone.

Back in 2010, few would've ever guessed he had a performance this gutsy and persuasive in him, and even today, it stands far apart from the wise-cracking roles he's made his name on.

And yet, despite strong reviews and a solid box office performance, Buried is largely forgotten a decade later, Deadpool casting such an impossibly large shadow over his back catalogue as it does.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.