10 Great Movie Performances (No One Ever Talks About)

2. Val Kilmer - Tombstone

Val Kilmer Tombstone
Buena Vista Pictures

As much as Val Kilmer has a ton of iconic performances to his name, the one that absolutely doesn't get nearly enough credit is his movie-stealing turn as a tuberculosis-riddled Doc Holliday in the terrifically entertaining 1993 western Tombstone.

Though Kurt Russell's Wyatt Earp is by all rights the film's protagonist, Tombstone belongs to Kilmer's loquacious, weirdly suave, and totally badass Holliday.

Kilmer's charismatic turn grabs the viewer's attention in every second, which amid an ensemble cast this accomplished is no easy feat.

It's the finest work of his career bar none, and while Kilmer's performance was widely lauded by critics at the time, the film quickly disappeared from the public consciousness after its Christmas release.

As much as anyone who's seen Tombstone is bound to be knocked out by Kilmer, it's a shame his performance isn't more talked about in comparison to, say, his roles in the likes of Top Gun, The Doors, Heat, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, and even Batman Forever.

Bafflingly, the only awards Kilmer even ended up nominated for was two MTV Movie Awards for... "Best Male Performance" and "Most Desirable Male." Oof.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.