10 Great Movie Villains With Really Dumb Motivations

1. Bill Lumberg - Office Space

Mysterio Motivation
20th Century Fox

Listen up, Bill Lumbergh is a no-good, lying stapler thief. He deserves every bad thing that happens to him.

The only problem is Lumbergh’s motivation is truly silly when it gets broken down: Lumbergh is terrible for the sake of productivity. He simply wants those TPS reports. Fans will ask themselves why he appears to pick on a few members of his staff, but the only reason is right in front of us: Lumbergh has nothing better to do with his time.

It’s part of what makes him even more evil. His motivation for being a terrible boss is simple, yet so horribly relatable. He’s a drone following orders and the lack of real spirit and emotion is what makes him so despised. It’s one thing to be a terrible person, but it’s a whole other thing to be a terrible person for no good reason.


I'm a freelance journalist and documentary filmmaker based in Atlanta, Georgia. I write and film on a number of topics. Currently, you can find my work at Dissecting the Director YouTube page, The Binger YouTube page, and WhatCulture.com