10 Great Movies Starring The Cast Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer

8. Strictly Sexual

The Air I Breathe Sarah Michelle Geller
Arts Alliance

As Tara in Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Amber Benson plays one of the show’s downright nicest characters. The young witch’s relationship with Willow is tender and slow burning, and the expressive actress adds a more naturalistic dimension during her tenure in Sunnydale.

If you’re interested in seeing an entirely different side of Benson, it’s well worth checking out Strictly Sexual. While the film isn’t so easy to find now (though in the early days of streaming it was a sleeper hit) and the title suggests something you wouldn’t want to get caught watching, it’s actually a studied and thoughtful look at modern relationships.

Benson plays Donna, a confident and wealthy young woman who tires of draining relationships. She teams with her demure pal Christi Ann to pick up some handsome dudes, a pair of unemployed grafters who they station in their pool house for no-frills fun.

From that premise you can likely guess the ending, but director Joel Viertel uses an intimate (though never exploitative) aesthetic to keep this distinct from other romcoms of the era. It’s a sensitive and heartfelt proposition bolstered by a great turn from Benson, one you’d never expect were you familiar with her from Buffy alone.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)