10 Great Movies Starring The How I Met Your Mother Cast

2. Gone Girl (2014) - Neil Patrick Harris

Jeff, Who Lives At Home
20th Century Fox

Directed by David Fincher and based on the bestselling novel by Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl is a perfect example of how to create a dark, twisting thriller with an impossible-to-predict plot.

The film follows Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck), a married man caught in a media frenzy when his wife Amy (an Oscar-nominated Rosamund Pike) disappears. Through a series of flashbacks and criss-crossing sub-plots, it is revealed how the couple met and what their relationship was like, all the while letting audiences know that Amy put a meticulous plan in place to punish Nick for his recent infidelity.

Neil Patrick Harris portrays Desi Collings, Amy's rich ex against whom she has a restraining order. Desi is obsessed with Amy, and in the role Harris freezes blood and holds his own against the career-defining performance of Pike.

Gone Girl is a harsh, violent, aggravating but compulsively watchable drama, boosted by its great cast and shocking revelations.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.