10 Great Movies That Bombed At The Box Office

4. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Prior to its release, nobody really expected Edgar Wright's adaptation of Bryan Lee O€™Malley€™s hugely beloved comic series to bomb, least of all Universal, who ponied up a rollicking $90m for its production budget (reduced to $60m after tax breaks). With a young, talented and popular cast, headed by Michael Cera, and including the likes of Brandon Routh, Chris Evans, Anna Kendrick, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Jason Schwarzman, with a skilled director at the helm and a fantastic set of trailers, how could it fail? It turns out, though, that we all underestimated the film's appeal to only a small subset of cinemagoers; despite gaming becoming a more socially acceptable activity in recent years, its video-game-influenced aesthetic is still lost on many, and some might not have gleaned from the trailer the film's thoroughly ironic tone. It reaped a paltry $47.6m at the box office, which proved a huge shock to fans and commentators alike, again reinforcing studios' feeling that a creatively risky venture - if you can even call it that at all - is probably not worth the gamble. Shame.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.