10 Great Movies That Inexplicably Flopped At The Box Office

7. Donnie Darko (2001)

Donnie Darko Copy
Flower Films

Strange, creepy and intoxicating, Donnie Darko has been a favourite of film students movie fans for almost 20 years.

There's a lot to be analysed in here and the cryptic sci-fi fantasy story combined with elements of psychological thriller has held the attention of movie buffs since it was released, and is still known as one of Jake Gyllenhaal's most iconic roles. However, despite the cult status the film now enjoys, the film bombed at the box office, only grossing $2.9 million on its original release against a $6 million budget.

It was even lucky to be released at all, it almost went straight to DVD, as director Richard Kelly stated it took almost six months to sell the film. Fortunately, the film was a hit in cinemas in the UK and subsequently became a cult hit on VHS and DVD.

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