10 Great Movies That Scared You Without Showing Anything

4. The Changeling

Paranormal Activity gif
Associated Film Distributors

Another spooky haunted house story, The Changeling is a film that's all about the atmosphere. 

The movie follows John Russell (George C. Scott), a composer who rents an old mansion and begins experiencing paranormal phenomenon. You get a lot of what's typically creepy in a haunted house film, but unlike many of those ghost movies, The Changeling stays subtly scary throughout. 

In one excellent scene, John listens back to audio recorded during a seance when he suddenly hears a new voice on the tape. The whispering of this little boy is so insanely creepy, yet all you actually see on screen is George C. Scott sitting there listening to a tape.

In another similarly eerie scene, John struggles to get a locked door to open by slamming his body into it when out of nowhere it just slowly opens by itself. Subtle moments like that, which rely on nothing more a subtle set alteration, are what can be so great about minimalist horror filmmaking. 


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.