10 Great Movies With "Rotten" Scores On Rotten Tomatoes

7. Jumanji (1995)

jumanji movie
TriStar Pictures

This family adventure about a dangerous board game has a surprisingly Rotten score of 54%.

“Sacrilege!” you may cry. “It has Robin Williams in! And I remember it fondly from my childhood!”

Setting aside millennial nostalgia and reverence for Mr Williams, does Jumanji hold up?

Well, yes. It’s a wonderful concept, Williams is a hoot, and it has some surprisingly good scares (the bats, the lion, the hunter).

The scares are what Roger Ebert found troubling, but as a kid I was never traumatised by Jumanji, and watching it again as an adult it's refreshing to watch a family film which dares to actually go for scary. Outside of this it's just great fun every time a new jungle threat emerges from the board game to wreak havoc.

P.S. - for those Robin Williams fans that are still reeling from finding out Jumanji has such a Rotten score, perhaps don’t go looking for what the critics thought of Hook (28%!!).

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Born in Essex, lives in South London. MA in Film & Literature, actor, and playwright.