10 Great Movies With "Rotten" Scores On Rotten Tomatoes

6. Step Brothers (2008)

jumanji movie
Sony Pictures Releasing

Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly play screaming, vulgar man-children in this Rotten comedy with a score of 55%.

Back in the 90’s, we loved all the stupid Jim Carrey films - Ace Ventura, Dumb and Dumber, even The Cable Guy - that critics mostly hated. Critics lambasted these films for being brainless or puerile, when of course Carrey’s puerile antics were what made us love them.

Ferrell is very much the Carrey of the 00’s. You know he’s going to spend the entire film doing his over-the-top schtick.

Step Brothers is joyously dumb. It’s literally Ferrell and Reilly running around behaving like the worst six-year-olds ever. The stupidity in every moment is cranked up to eleven, whether it's sleepwalking, a traumatic school play, or fighting a playground full of children. The audaciousness of it all is funny in itself.

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Born in Essex, lives in South London. MA in Film & Literature, actor, and playwright.