10 Great Recent Sci-Fi Movies You Probably Haven't Seen

8. High Life

Under the Skin

High Life was directed by legendary French film director Claire Denis, making her English language debut. Unfortunately, despite a good cast led by Juliette Binoche and Robert Pattinson, it didn’t make the impact she would have been hoping for.

Like a much more intelligent Suicide Squad, the film revolves around a group of criminals with life sentences. Instead of bomb collars though, the criminals are sent to the edge of a black hole, where they furiously masturbate as part of a fertility experiment. Look, it’s okay when it’s art.

While such a weird narrative might go some way to explaining why High Life wasn’t exactly a box office smash, sci fi is a genre where weirdness is encouraged. Thinking outside the box - ironic given The Box is used for masturbation in High Life - should be encouraged. It’s a shame the movie missed out on the plaudits it deserved in 2018.

It’s also so much darker than the talking points make it seem. There’s murder, disease, and deep probing questions about human nature. If you’re curious about the kind of actor Robert Pattinson is before The Batman, look no further.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)