10 Great Scenes That Make The Star Wars Prequels Watchable

7. Jedi Master Yoda vs. Count Dooku

Film: Episode 2 €“ Attack of the Clones http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtFadZ1dodM This scene gives the fans their first look at Yoda finally making use of his fittingly green lightsaber, as he confronts the Sith Count Dooku who has just laid waste to both young Padawan Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Complete with using the force to retrieve his lightsaber from his belt, Yoda erupts against Dooku, undoubtedly feeling betrayed that his old student has turned to the Dark Side. Chaos reigns in a short but epic battle leaving us all wondering what in the hell we just witnessed.

6. Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker kills the Sith's Count Dooku by order of Chancellor Palpatine

Film: Episode 3 €“ Revenge of the Sith http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBbGmkMGyok&feature=related In the opening scenes of Revenge of the Sith, Anakin and Obi-Wan locate a kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine and confront, for a 2nd time in the Prequel Trilogy, Count Dooku. Again we have Obi-Wan being (questionably) bested by the Count, and then Anakin indulging in, also for a 2nd time in the Prequel Trilogy, the anger he holds so deep inside himself. Anakin manages to harness his anger, dismembering the Count at the wrists and stripping Dooku of his own lightsaber, and forces him to his knees in defeat. Chancellor Palpatine then commands Anakin to kill Dooku; Anakin follows the order, furthering his fall towards the Dark Side and and continuing to build on Palpatine's grand scheme.
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