10 Great Sci-Fi Horror Movies (No One Ever Talks About)

6. Dead and Buried

Dead and Buried
AVCO Embassy

Written by Return of the Living Dead director Dan O'Bannon, 1981's Dead and Buried is the second contribution to the sci-fi horror classic pantheon from the creator.

(He wrote the original screenplay for Ridley Scott's 1979 smash hit Alien. The one where the alien talks).

Less comedic than his later zombie horror and more of a slow burn, atmospheric effort than that space-set classic, Dead and Buried follows the story of a likeable sheriff befuddled by a string of tourist murders in his small town. Aided by the friendly local mortician, the sheriff sets about investigating these slasher style demises, but all is not as it seems in this idyllic burg...

This film's small town mystery turns out to have a deeply creepy explanation in this underrated chiller, whose disturbing final twist pushes it firmly and unexpectedly into the sci-fi horror sub genre and leaves audiences reeling even decades later. Boasting some impressive Stan Winston special effects as well as stunning, eerie promotional art work, this one is a classic for the eighties VHS fiends returning to sci-fi horror's gory heyday.

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