10 Great Sci-Fi Horror Movies (No One Ever Talks About)

5. Body Melt

Dead and Buried
Umbrella Entertainment

Directed by an Australian art punk group's former member Philip Brophy and written by fellow member Rod Bishop, 1993's Body Melt is a surreal and gruesome slice of body horror that makes sci-fi horror icon Larry Cohen's earlier, comparable The Stuff seem anodyne.

Gruesome and witty, this satirical shocker sees a weight loss pill have all manner of gruesome side effects on its unknowing victims, resulting in spectacular and horrific death scenes as the film lives up to its eponymous promise (and then some).

Filled with shocking imagery of exploding genitals, deflating heads, and liquefied torsos, this insanely gruesome gross-out classic won't be a perfect fit for more demure viewers. That said, the film's sharp script takes pointed aim at the pharmaceutical industry's uncaring attitude and the lethal lack of regulation in amoral industries like weight loss supplements, rather than blaming the small town residents killed by their irresponsible profiteering.

Unlike the otherwise comparable 1987 dud Street Trash, this anarchic film keeps its satirical ire centred on the creators of these pills rather than their unfortunate victims, making the mean-spirited bloody chaos all the more blackly comic and shocking.

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