10 Great Sci-Fi Movies For People Who Don't Like Sci-Fi

5. Melancholia

The Martian Matt Damon
Nordisk Film

The title should make this clear enough, but for avoidance of doubt: Melancholia is a bleak, bleak film. Directed by Danish provocateur Lars von Trier, the 2017 drama follows an extended family in the days before the apocalypse.

Unusual planetary activity is noted during the wedding of Justine (Kirsten Dunst, career best), a young woman struggling to hide a deep depression. A rogue planet, Melancholia, is set to fly past Earth, but as it becomes increasingly clear that a collision is on the cards, the characters grapple with their impending dooms.

The sci fi leanings are used to explore a plot inspired by von Trier’s own experiences with heavy depression. The likes of Charlotte Gainsbourg and John Hurt make up an all star art movie cast, but it’s Dunst who anchors this - she drags herself through the film as her bleak depression threatens to overcome her.

Like much of von Trier’s work it’s a provocative piece and not for everyone, but few can capture a mood like he can. It’s a heavy film but not a difficult one, and with a breathtaking, tragic, but somehow beautiful finale.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)