10 Great Sci-Fi Movies Under 90 Minutes

8. The Invisible Man - 71 Minutes

ARQ movie
Universal Pictures

While discussing science fiction, it's only a matter of time before HG Wells is brought up. Due to his work on War of the Worlds and The Time Machine, it's no wonder the Kent-born author is hailed as the father of sci-fi.

Although much of his work has been adapted to film, people forget about the 1933 classic, The Invisible Man. Despite receiving rave reviews, it was overshadowed by other monster movies at the time, such as Frankenstein, Dracula, and The Mummy.

This is a pity since The Invisible Man has aged magnificently, even after nearly a century. Because the lead star, Claude Rains, is draped in bandages to obscure his unseen body, you'd expect him to struggle to convey emotion. On the contrary, Rains is a wonder to watch, endowing every thrust, gesture, and word with palpable conviction. Sure, his performance has more ham than a pig farm, but you can't deny Rains never ceases to be entertaining.

If you thought the special effects would age badly, it's anything but. As you watch Griffin remove his bandages, you'll be baffled how such a scene was performed, decades before the existence of CGI.


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