10 Great Sci-Fi Movies Under 90 Minutes

7. Safety Not Guaranteed - 86 Minutes

ARQ movie

In Safety Not Guaranteed, a journalist called Darius (Aubrey Plaza) is assigned to investigate Kenneth Calloway (Mark Duplass) - a grocery clerk who placed an advertisement in the newspaper, asking for someone to time-travel with him.

Although Darius thinks Kenneth is weird at first, she quickly warms to him. The more time she spends with Kenneth, the more guilty Darius feels, since she only took the job to poke fun at him.

Because Safety Not Guaranteed has lots of comedic stars, including Aubrey Plaza, Jake Johnston, and Karan Soni, you'd expect it to be hilarious (which it is). However, every actor gives such an emotional performance, you forget you're watching a comedy half the time.

As strong as the ensemble is, it's Duplass who steals the show. Rather than playing Kenneth like a complete wacko, he acts sincere while babbling about how secret agents are tailing him, which makes his hare-brain scheme all the more entertaining. (Also, watching Kenneth moving like a ninja to steal time-travel tech while onlookers gaze at him in bewilderment is hysterical.)

Even though the climax could've been a cop-out, Safety Not Guaranteed's touching ending is certain to melt your heart.


James Egan has written 80 books including 1000 Facts about Superheroes Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Horror Movies Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about The Greatest Films Ever Made Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Video Games Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about TV Shows Vol. 1-3 Twitter - @jameswzegan85