10 Great Shapeshifter Horror Movies You May Have Missed

1. Lifechanger

Lifeforce 1985
Uncork'd Entertainment

Most of the time, shapeshifting is a bit of a gimmick, a cool trick a monster can use to escape the heroes, but in 2018's Lifechanger, it's way more than that.

In this Justin McConnell-directed feature, the main character of Drew has the ability steal other people's appearances, but he needs to kill them to do so, leaving their bodies as empty husks of their former selves. The forms Drew takes are only temporary however, which means he needs to keep finding new victims in order to stay alive.

All of this is done so that Drew can keep in touch with his one true love, Julia. There's just one problem; every time he reconnects with her, he does so with somebody else's face, which often vary wildly in age, race, and gender.

Lifechanger is a really smart take on the shapshifter format because it presents a very real problem. How do you have a relationship with someone else when you can't even keep your own self-image consistent? It'll really make you think, as well as squirm at those horrible hollowed-out bodies. 

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.