10 Great Slasher Horror Movies With Annoying Final Girls

5. Lori Campbell - Freddy Vs. Jason

Freddy vs. Jason Lori
New Line Cinema

After more than a decade of rumours and delays, Freddy Kreuger finally got to meet Jason Voorhees in one of the campiest films of either monstrous killers' filmography. When it comes to the camp factor, look no further than final girl Lori Campbell. Actress Monica Keena’s reactions and facial expressions are often ridiculously over-the-top, as is the character’s surprise knack for getting the better of Mr. Kreuger.

Bizarrely, when Lori’s reactions aren’t overblown, her general delivery’s rather wooden. In a film already let down by picking one of the worst scripts among the many Freddy vs. Jason drafts out there, the fact that Jason showcases a more convincing range of emotions than a leading star might just take the cake.

If there’s one thing that can be said in Lori’s favour, she does at least get Freddy into the real world. There, crazy (but apparently less evil since the film very conveniently gives the humans an excuse to help him) Jason finally hands Freddy the whooping he’s always deserved.

Well, almost.

Despite the film being called Freddy vs. Jason, Lori gets the honours of removing Freddy’s head from his body. That’s right, not Jason, not one half of the showdown people paid to see. No, Lori gets that big moment...


John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.