10 Great Slasher Horror Movies With Annoying Final Girls

4. Justine Fielding - Tormented

Freddy vs. Jason Lori
Warner Bros.

Even most of the characters in this British, darkly comedic take on the genre seem to find head girl Justine Fielding a bit much. It's first noticeable during her eulogy of a deceased student she doesn't even seem to know existed. Despite presenting herself as a straight-laced, morally upright figure, Justine's overjoyed when the school's in-crowd - a crew of psychopathic pupils notorious for their bullying and general nastiness - extend her an olive branch.

Her five days of attempting to be in with the cool kids goes pretty horribly wrong on all levels as the ghost of a boy they bullied wreaks murderous havoc. By design, most of the figures in this movie are comically unlikeable. Coming off as a parody of both US high school stereotypes and British teen shows such as Skins, Tormented is very much in the Larry David camp of providing the viewer unsympathetic protagonists who never learn their lesson.

The problem with Justine is she's positioned to be the exception to that rule but, in order to remain relevant to the plot, has to rub elbows with the rest of the detestable cast. It's a fine line that doesn't quite pan out as her awkward romance with popular guy Alex manages to somehow be both rushed and plodding due to odd pacing.

In the end, after a series of ridiculous murders of one-note, one-dimensional characters, Justine getting framed for their deaths seems much funnier than it should be, even if this film often meant for a jokey touch.


John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.